Wednesday 15 July 2009

Instant Gajjar(carrot) Halwa

Gajjar(carrot) halwa-A delicious dessert made from carrots and milk,Delicately flavoured with cardamon and saffron.Quick and simple to make .Can be served hot or cold with cream or ice cream.

Gajjar (carrots)500 grams (or 1 large bowl full after grating)
½ cup milk
Sugar 200 grams or to taste
Dry fruits (cashew nuts) 1/2 cup (optional)
Milk powder 1 cup
1/2 cup ghee
1/2 teaspoon elchi powder
few strands saffron


1.Wash and grate the carrots.
2.Place in a microwave bowl ,add saffron to milk and add milk to carrots, cover it with a lid.
3.Cook it in the microwave for 8 minutes.
4.Remove from microwave , add ghee and sugar and mixcook 3 mins.
5.Add dry fruits, (reserving a few for garnish)saffron, elchi and milk powder stirring gently. Don't mix the milk powder fully. Leave a few balls (they will look as if you have added a lot of khoya).
6.Put the bowl back in the microwave oven for 4 minutes occasionally stirring gently.
7.Remove and transfer to serving dish.
8. Garnish with remaining chopped nuts.

Serve hot with cream or ice cream


  1. Seems Delicious...
    Will Have An Try

  2. I LOVE Gaajar Ka HALWA!! :)

  3. looks yummy i will try it later

  4. I seriously love this blog! Gajjar ka Halwa is one of my favorite. Although I didn't know... how to make it. So thanks!

  5. this is a tempting, mouth watering blog!!!!!

    bookmarked this blog..and asking my wife to prepare all ur recipes :)

  6. only ate it once in mu cousins house.....was yummy.

    now i know will try to make it :)

    plz post if u know how to make rabbari/ravari dunno wat its called??

  7. Looks good. Interestingly when I was a kid I used to hate Gajar ka halwa but slowly and gradually I began liking it. Lekin my fav halwa is moong ki daal ka halwa.


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