Sunday 1 September 2013

Announcing event ~ Lets cook with Coconut

The coconut palm (also, cocoanut), Cocos nucifera, is a member of the family Arecaceae (palm family). The term coconut can refer to the entire coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which, botanically, is a drupe, not a nut. Coconuts are found throughout the tropic and sub tropic area, it is known for its great versatility as seen in the many domestic, commercial, and industrial uses of its different parts. Coconuts are part of the daily diets of many people. Coconuts are different from any other fruits because they contain a large quantity of "water" and when immature they are known as tender-nuts or jelly-nuts and may be harvested for drinking. When mature, they still contain some water and can be used as seed nuts or processed to give oil from the kernel, charcoal from the hard shell and coir from the fibrous husk.
Source Wikipedia

Coconut can be used in many forms; fresh coconut, coconut milk, coconut water,coconut cream, dried coconut,coconut flakes and coconut flour. This event is about using coconut in your cooking and baking. Create any vegetarian dish using coconut; it must feature as an ingredient in your dish. (Eggs allowed)

I am inviting all foodies to create some dishes using coconut and send them to this event.

To Participate:

1.Prepare any  vegetarian recipe using Coconut as part of the Ingredient   (eggs allowed) please link your dish using the linky below by entering your Dish Name and Post URL
2.Please link this event announcement with your entry, this is mandatory.
3.Use of logo is  not mandatory but it helps to spread the word if you can use it.
4. Multiple entries are allowed, archived are only allowed if reposted and updated with this event link.
4. In the event of problem using linky you can email me the entry at

Please use this format:
Your Name: Recipe
Name Recipe URL
Image no larger than 300 pixels.

Link recipe name and URL


  1. Hi Nayna

    Lovely event - I have linked in 3 archived entries - Pineapple Raita, Coconut Crepes and Stuffed Banana Fry.

    Do check out my Give Away at


  2. Thanks for the inspiration! Love coconut but have never cooked/baked with it!

  3. Nice event..
    Have linked 3 posts- ladys finger sasime, Coconut n jaggery rice n Gensale. Do check out n lemme knw if i have to do some changes..

  4. Thank you for the recipe idea. I have some coconut oil at home that I have no idea what to do with.

  5. Hey there, what a great idea - is there a deadline for this event? Becs

  6. Wow, I didn't realise you could do so much with coconut!
    thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Ive got a Thai chicken curry with coconut bubbling away in the Crockpot as we speak, cant wait to taste it.


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